LIDAR | ABC does
The LIDAR group of the 'Atmosphere, Biosphere and Climate' (ABC) team of the 'Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory' (LMD) is interested in innovative Lidar instrumentation for new observations in the atmosphere dedicated to meteorology and climate.
The group's research projects are at the interface between (1) optics-laser and (2) physics and chemistry of the atmosphere . The objectives are to respond to the growing concerns of the international community regarding the surface-atmosphere and intra-atmospheric greenhouse gas exchange processes and more particularly the carbon cycle, its evolution and its impact on the future climate.
Find out more
The Lidar group is currently located at the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory at the Ecole Polytechnique, located 20 km south-west of Paris. The group's work is supported by the Ecole Polytechnique, the National Center for Space Studies (CNES), the National Center for Scientific Research and the Institute of Universe Sciences (CNRS-INSU), the French National Agency (ANR), the Delegation of the Ministry of the Armed Forces (DGA), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Community (program H2020).
Fondamental research
The studies concern generally greenhouse gases and the dynamics of the atmosphere.
The specific points addressed are: the understanding of surface-atmosphere and intra-atmosphere exchanges of key variables (wind, temperature, H2O, CO2), spatio-temporal heterogeneity of CO2 concentrations and fluxes, verification of inventories of anthropogenic emissions in the context of global warming.
Instrumental research
The group is developing innovative LIDAR instrumentation for 3D observation of the wind, temperature, H2O and CO2 fields in the atmosphere.
The COWI LIDARS (CO2 & Wind) and TERA (Temperature Raman) are the key instruments of the LIDAR mobile observatory developed at LMD. ajouter du texte ici...Aliquam volutpat eros a odio sagittis rhoncus. Morbi arcu felis, placerat nec porttitor sit amet, tincidunt at tellus.
Space applications
The group develops and participates in the development of LIDAR space missions for the global measurement of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere.
The group is particularly involved in the Franco-German LIDAR CH4 mission MERLIN. développé au LMD. ajouter du texte ici...Aliquam volutpat eros a odio sagittis rhoncus. Morbi arcu felis, placerat nec porttitor sit amet, tincidunt at tellus.
These organizations financially support our research projects
European Space Agency
Gateway to Europe to space. Its mission is to shape spatial development and ensure that its investments continue to generate benefits for European and global citizens
National Center for Space Studies
Plays a key role on the national, European and international space scene by being a driving force, engine of proposal and center of technical expertise
National Research Agency
Finances public and partnership research. Created as a public interest group by the government, then given the status of a public administrative establishment
European Union
Political-economic association of European States which contributes to the funding of research projects in key sectors, to stay at the forefront in innovative fields. Especially climate and environment
Directorate of the Ministry of the Armed Forces
Missioned to prepare the future of French defense systems, equip the armed forces and promote exports from the French defense industry
École Polytechnique
Combines research, education and innovation at the best scientific and technological level. The training promotes a culture of excellence, predominantly scientific, open to a great humanist tradition
Scientific Research National Center
Recognized for the excellence of its scientific work, the CNRS takes up the major challenges, in order to explore the living, matter, the universe, the functioning of human societies